Friday, February 25, 2011

Enzyme blocker reduces spread of cancer

Collagen and elasten are created by an amino acid in the body, controlled by the LOXL2 acid. Stopping the spread of breast cancer might mean obstructing the LOXL2 enzyme. About 90 percent of cancer deaths are brought on by cancer spreading from one part of the body to another.

Using enzyme blocks to work with breast cancer

In medical journal Cancer Research, researchers at the Institute of Cancer Research in the U.K. published their recent findings. Researchers put chemicals in cancer of the breast cells. This was so the LOXL2 enzyme would be blocked. Having the enzyme blockers there showed an improvement. The cancer cells didn't spread very often. The cancer that spreads quickly from breast tissue to the bloodstream is connected to LOXL2 enzymes and LOXL2 gene in the bloodstream. Death ends up being more of a possibility after cancer spreads from tissue to blood. This is because the cancer might end up reappearing anywhere in the body.

Enzymes that are LOXL2

The LOXL2 gene utilizes copper to synthesize collagen and elastin. The gene helps the body produce and rebuild. In order to get cancer to move from muscle and fat and into the blood, the enzyme is used. LOXL2 enzymes are typically present in very high amounts in individuals who have fast-spreading cancer. Stopping the spread of cancer with enzymes hasn't been tested directly on humans. It has only been used on mice. Humans have not had the LOXL2 used yet. It has not commonly been used anyway.

Creating targeted cancer drugs

Specific cancers are targeted with the research that researchers have been doing to try to cure cancer. Getting targeted cancer drugs put together can be hard to do. This is because sometimes they differ from person to person. Up to two years would be needed to get FDA approval on human LOXL2 enzyme drugs. This would be after the three years needed to make the drugs work.

Information from


Friday, February 18, 2011

Nokia-Microsoft connections unlikely to interrupt mobile industry

Nokia and Microsoft have entered a smartphone development agreement, the two corporations announced last week. Nokia will ditch its effective, however declining Symbian OS for Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7. The wisdom of the connections seemed in question as Nokia stock fell 14 % on the day the connections was announced. This could help both Nokia and Microsoft never need a personal loan to grow.

What the Nokia-Microsoft is

The idea that Nokia would consider making a deal with Microsoft confused many people as the Nokia-Microsoft smartphone alliance came together. Nokia can be replacing its Symbian OS, which was the industry innovator with a 36.6 market share in the fourth quarter of 2010, with Windows Phone 7. There are so few people using the Windows Phone 7 that the list doesn't even put it on there. The Android has a 25.5 % industry share and the iOS has a 16.7 percent share though. The "principle smartphone strategy" can be what Nokia utilizes the Windows Phone 7 for now. Sector smartphones will be put together by Microsoft and Nokia working together. For a default search engine, Microsoft Bing could be used. Nokia phones will all use this. Microsoft services will start to use Nokia's Maps.

Helps Microsoft far more than Nokia

It has been suggested by experts the partnership is something Nokia won't gain from however Microsoft will. Microsoft gets to plug into one of the largest cellular phone distribution networks in the world. But Nokia gets Windows Phone 7, a mobile operating system that, compared to Android and Apple, was virtually dead on arrival. Some insiders suggest the Nokia/Windows Phone 7 arrangement is a conspiracy that started when Stephan Elop left Microsoft in Sept to become CEO of Nokia. The smartphone partnership is characterized as subversion that gives Microsoft big-time smartphone development capability without the hassle of actually trying to purchase Nokia.

It won't last, in accordance with investors

Nokia stock went down fourteen % because of the Microsoft-Nokia smartphone announcement. July 16 was the last time a huge drop occurred in Nokia stock like this. Experts are saying that Nokia has given itself away for free and ceded the smartphone industry to Google and Apple. Nokia Windows Phone 7 handsets won’t hit the market until 2012. Symbian will die on the vine while Android and Apple’s iOS continue to advance. Microsoft is accustomed to slapping operating systems on 3rd party hardware. However Nokia has always developed its own OS. Replacing iOS with webOS on the iPhone is something Nokia sees as a challenge with Apple probably. It could possibly be bad for business.

Information from

Business Week


PC World

PC Magazine,2817,2380144,00.asp

Coupling the best wine with your meal is vital to flavor

It could be very hard to select the proper bottle of wine. The "right" wine bottle is necessary for all kinds of social meal. Consider personal choice, of course. An additional aspect to consider though is the meals. It is recommended that you compliment the taste of the meals with the taste of the wine, which is called wine coupling. One strategy is to pick a wine that has similar features as the meals, so they "go well" together. An additional prospect is to balance the food with a wine that contradicts the profile. There isn't one right way to do wine coupling. You will find several different things to consider when conducting this though. Resource for this article – Pairing the right wine with your dinner is essential to flavor by MoneyBlogNewz.

How you can determine the better of the two, red versus white

For example, you might like to choose a white wine with a meal that is lighter entrees while red wine is better with heavier meals. Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling and Chardonnay are all superb choices. They would all pair really well with a light meal including something for instance salad and salmon. You will find many heavy red wines for instance Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Merlot and Zinfandel. In case you are having a BBQ, veal, lamb or beef, these may be better choices.

Are there guidelines?

You will find other things to consider in these "rules." One example is the spices food preparation use. For instance, a past with a white sauce for instance alfredo or parmesan could be something you would want a Merlot or Chardonnay with while pasta with a red marinara sauce would be better off with Zinfandel or Chianti. A Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio are both better off with something like lemon chicken while a Pinot Noir or Merlot would go well with a chicken marsala.

Savory and Sweet combinations

When choosing wine, the entrée may not be the only aspect to consider. You may also want to consider the dessert being served. Any fruit or citrus desserts would go well with ice wine and late harvest Riesling. Keep away from red meat with Cabernet Sauvignon. This particular wine goes really well with desserts that have darker chocolate in them though. Port wines also go well with chocolate, as well as champagne.

Wine partnering is a fun and exciting method to make meals more fascinating. The thing to remember is that there is no right or wrong combination. When conducting it, it can be fun to make different combinations. The different flavor profiles might intrigue you and your guests. Having wine at a meal is always a nice touch. Several think wines are best loved when others are around to share it. It will always be fun. Is there a reason why you haven't started? Drink up!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

South Dakota might make it lawful to slay abortion doctors

Women seeking abortions in South Dakota may have to face already tough laws made even tougher. No dedicated clinics have operated there since 1994, and Planned Parenthood is only allowed to fly in a single representative when essential. If South Dakota House Republicans have their way with House Bill 1171, things will become deathly severe. As law, 1171 would place abortion doctors in the line of fire, making it a justifiable murder to slay them if they threaten the health of an unborn fetus. People take out huge payday cash advances to see abortion doctors. This could really change a lot of things for several people. Post resource – South Dakota bill could justify killing abortion doctors by MoneyBlogNewz.

South Dakota doctors face sensible death issues

With a 9 to 3 party line vote, House Bill 1171 made it out of committee. It is sponsored by long time anti-abortion activist and South Dakota state Rep. Phil Jensen. He says that "consistency" might be brought to South Dakota's criminal code with the bill that would allow prosecutors to charge for murder crimes when unborn fetus is killed.

The murder of pregnant women would be included in these crimes although House Bill 1171 doesn't directly consider this. By changing the meaning of sensible homicide, making it acceptable to slay so long as the act of eliminating is performed in order to protect a fetus, Jensen is suggesting that even if the woman wanted an abortion, any person who aided her in obtaining abortion services could end up in the cross hairs.

’This is not an abstract bill’ was used in debate

Mother Jones got National Abortion Federation's Vicki Saporta's opinion on the matter. She said that Rep. Jensen's House Bill 1171 is "an invitation to murder abortion providers.". It gives extremists the necessary fetal-defense statute to escape punishment for murder. Giving a fetus personhood is what the bill is about according to Kristin Aschenbrenner of the South Dakota Advocacy Network for Women.

House Bill 1171 may not be abstract, however it may be legally dubious, says law Prof. Sara Rosenbaum of George WA University.

"It takes my breath away," Rosenbaum said via e-mail. "Constitutionally, a state cannot make it a crime to perform a constitutionally lawful act."

Entrance guidance needed with House Bill 1217

House Bill 1171 has House Bill 1217 attached to it requiring that women go through anti-abortion guidance at the Crisis Pregnancy Center, or CPC. A 2006 investigation found that information was misleading most of the time in CPCs like this.


Mother Jones

South Dakota House Bill

An interesting question posed to anti-abortion demonstrators

Drug smuggling submarine identified by Colombian authorities

A drug smuggling submarine has been appropriated by the Colombian law enforcement, foiling a plot by drug cartels to ship cocaine to North America. The seized boat was able to fully submerge in water. Typically, drug subs are not able to fully submerge, and aren’t true submarines. They’re not easily detected. Crafts of this type cannot be detected by sonar.

Drug smuggling discovered with joint task force

Drug smugglers were caught by Colombian authorities, reports the Daily Mail. It included the air force, navy and Colombian Inspector General's office. There was drug smuggling going on in the swamps near the town of Timbiqui near the region of Cauca. Cuaca is on the Pacific coast of Colombia, and the swamps lead directly to the sea. In the drug submarine there was eight tons of cocaine identified. There were also bunks for a four man crew along with computers for navigation. When the craft was discovered, there wasn't anyone onboard. There were some firearms found though.

Smuggling is the next thing

Drug smuggling submersibles, or Narco Subs, have been in use for years, though this boat was a new breed. Sometimes the subs are only used once although that doesn't stop drug cartels from spending millions on making the subs with fiberglass. When it comes to drug smuggling submersibles, they cannot fully submerge. That means they aren't true submarines. The difference for the Timbiqui was that it was able to submerge. It could go for extended periods of time down nine meters, or 40 feet. The Wall Street Journal reports that the 105-foot boat could have gotten to the coast of Mexico or even to the United States.

After that action to take

Drug cartels are quite crafty about drug transfer. Into the United States they’re especially crafty. Drug submersibles have been known about for the past several years and were referred to as “Bigfoot” for a while because none had been captured or seen. However, one was eventually captured several years back, and more are being discovered. Drug cartels have been able to make subs that can submerge entirely now. That means the after that move will most likely be remote controlled drug submersibles.

Information from

Daily Mail

Wall Street Journal


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Extreme weather of climate change drives up world food rates

Crops around the globe are being ruined by extreme weather that is seen as a consequence of change in climate. Along with diminished supply, demand is increasing. Developing nations seek to claim a larger share of the world’s available food. The severe weather, which meteorologists say will persist, will continue to drive up food costs, as well as political instability, for the foreseeable future.

The warmer it gets, the more it costs to buy food

Last month, globe food rates went to an all time high. There was the 2008 food turmoil that was beat in December. This is in accordance with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, Food Price Index. World food rates went up in January another 3 percent according to the FAO. The spike in world food rates is being driven by a surge in prices for wheat, corn, sugar and oils. A Russian drought last year reduced global wheat stockpiles. There has been flooding in Brazil and Australia too. This brought on food production to go down even more. Feb. 8, FAO warned that severe drought threatened the wheat crop in China. In order to meet domestic desire, China has become the world's largest wheat producer. Wheat can be needed by 1.3 billion Chinese from another source soon.

Food demand throughout the world

There has been more of a desire for food globally at the exact same time weather it hurting food production. Over 200,000 people are in need of food every single day while many of them starve. Some are starving while others try to raise the standard of living to more food. About 3 billion individuals are attempting to eat more meat, milk and eggs in their diets. The grain in the U.S. produces about 400 million tons. About 120 million tons of that is used to make care ethanol. The 2011 crop is going to have to be really large in order to make up for the increasing food prices just like the 2008 record harvest made up for the food crisis.

Change in climate

The world might be one poor harvest away from unprecedented food crisis. Record shows 2010 to be the warmest ever. This is throughout the globe. Rising temperatures parched land in some parts of the globe. There were warmer oceans there too. This ended up leading to others getting flooded. When it comes to climate change though, meteorologists suggest that there will be more frequent droughts and flooding soon. A decline in food production might very well happen. At the same time, food desire will continue to increase. The poor in the globe will be affected. They’ll go hungry. There’s a good chance food riots will start. There will be political unrest with this.



Christian Science Monitor

New York Times

Giffords now talks as therapy has progressed

Reports are emerging the Congresswoman Giffords talks again. Giffords is capable of some simple talk, which is proof that the extreme physical rehabilitation she is going through is working. Giffords is recovering at an amazing pace, given the wounds she suffered.

Arizona Congresswoman getting far better in progress

Arizona Congresswoman Giffords was recently moved to a physical therapy facility in Houston, TX, from the hospital in Tuscan, Ariz., where she was recuperating from a traumatic brain injury. Giffords had been making incredible advances in recuperating from the wounds she suffered in the Tuscan shooting rampage allegedly carried out by Jared Lee Loughner. On January 8, she was rushed to a Tuscan hospital after being shot in the head, and almost a month later, she has started talking again, according to CBS. The TIRR Memorial Herman hospital is where she is doing physical rehabilitation. It has been intense for her. Since the hospital specializes in physical rehabilitation for brain and head trauma, Giffords was moved there.

Giffords has an appetite and can talk again

A spokesman explained the talk therapy that Giffords is going through it going well. Since Giffords had a breathing tube recently, it’s unknown how she is talking since either she would have to have a vent placed in the tube or it would have to be removed entirely. Her urge for food has also returned. This is a milestone. Mark Kelly, her husband, put on her Facebook page, “Gabby’s urge for food is back — even though it is hospital food.” Kelly will rejoin the crew of the Space Shuttle Endeavour for the swan song of that shuttle craft, possibly as soon as April.

Judge killed the name of a new courthouse

Congress recently passed a bill that would name a federal courthouse to honor one of the victims of the Tuscan shooting rampage that left six dead and 13 injured, according to Reuters. In Yuma, Arizona, a new courthouse will be built and titled after chief Judge John M. Roll who was killed. The building should open in 2013.

Articles cited

CBS News


Friday, February 11, 2011

Christopher Lee quits as Congressman due to increasing Craigslist scandal

Congressman Christopher Lee is embroiled in a scandal over leaked photos and emails he sent a woman he met on Craigslist. The incident has prompted him to resign from Congress. Christopher Lee, a NY Republican, was entering his second term in the House. Christopher Lee favored cutting the scandal off at the knees instead of getting plunged into the middle of controversy.

Personal ad response by ‘Craigslist congressman’ leads to issues

Craigslist was where the events began that eventually led Lee to step down from the NY House of Representatives. Photos were leaked to popular site, in accordance with the WA Post. A personal ad was posted by a woman, remaining unnamed, living in Maryland. Christopher Lee responded to it. The woman asked as part of the ad, “will somebody prove to me not all CL men look like toads?” Christopher Lee wrote back saying that he was younger than his actual age of 46 while saying he was a lobbyist on Capitol Hill, although he is in his second term in the House of Representatives. The 2 bantered back and forth, but the ruse was discovered once he sent her photographs of himself.

Photos why Gawker leak occurred

When Christopher Lee sent shirtless photographs of him, his Craigslist correspondent asked if he habitually sent photographs of himself topless, and he said that it was “all I had.”. As the two kept e-mailing each other, eventually she asked about his marital status, to which he replied that he was divorced. Lee is married and has a son. She found out that he was older than 40, a congressman from the 26th District of NY and was married. This was when she looked him up after recognizing the photos a bit. She sent the e-mails and photos to, and the news broke.

Gawker states resignation has to occur

The photos were published on Wednesday, February 9. The news spread like wildfire. After hrs of the news, Lee wrote a letter to John Boehner, who’s the Speaker of the House, saying he was resigning, NPR reports. A little later in the day, the letter was read out loud on the floor by a clerk. Andrew Cuomo, who’s the governor of New York, could have to hold an election to replace him.

Articles cited

Washington Post



Anti-aging benefits of DMAE cream not supported by science

DMAE cream is increasing in popularity as an anti-aging item. A segment of the popular "Dr. Oz" show contributed to the DMAE craze when it featured a doctor who is selling his own DMAE formula as an anti-aging cosmetic. Dermatologists and the FDA disregard anti-aging says about DMAE as pseudoscience; but evidence does exist that DMAE products offer certain aesthetic benefits. Prior to taking out a payday loan to buy this costly product, make certain you know the details.

Stopping face drop with DMAE cream

DMAE cream is being marketed as an expensive anti-aging product that reverses wrinkles and face sagging. Face lifts are popular due to face sagging that makes age clear. A face lift typically costs between $6,000 and $15,000 to do. This is what the Consumer Guide for Plastic Surgery explained. DMAE cream can cost $80 for less than two ounces. The marketing behind it’s what it depends on. Unlike drug businesses, cosmetics corporations are not required by the FDA to prove with scientific evidence that goods are safe and effective, but a 2005 Johnson & Johnson study found that DMAE product may have anti-inflammatory results that could tighten skin.

Returning youth with DMAE

The human brain naturally produces dimethylaminoethanol. This is what DMAE stands for. Natural DMAE resources consist of sardines, anchovies and salmon. DMAE has been researched far more as a potential drug than a topical agent. DMAE has been shown in studies to make cognition and memory linked to aging go down. DMAE products weren't the first source of the drug. DMAE was used to help mood, energy, sleep, memory and learning in anti-aging supplements. Research of DMAE creams has documented a measurable reduction in facial sagging, however the effects were perceived as more dramatic by the DMAE user, rather than the observer.

DMAE cream costs a lot

Several believe that DMAE products are a face lift in a bottle due to advertising and suggestions of scientific credibility. Dermatologists don't seem too impressed though. Since the 1990s, DMAE cream has been used. It has made a dent in income, but is not unsafe. A cheap moisturizer may work just also. Compounds for DMAE are not complicated. Also, it is fairly cheap. DMAE product ought to be less than $10 because of the economy and cost of production.

Information from

Smart Skin Care

Calorie Lab

Calgary Herald

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Puppy Bowl VII hits Super Sunday gold for Animal Planet

Many Super Bowl pre-game shows are dogs, but not the Puppy Bowl. As Super Bowl pre-game shows get longer and more repetitive, the audience for the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet has been growing. This Sunday’s Puppy Bowl marks the 7th year that Animal Planet has used a parade of rowdy pups to call national attention to the need for pet adoption in the U.S. This helps the shelters avoid having to take out short term cash loans to support the over-crowding in the animal shelters.

Using the Puppy Bowl to plan for animal ownership

Watching “Puppy Bowl VII” will happen from 3-5 p.m. EST on Sunday. The Animal Planet will be playing it. The network created the Puppy Bowl to fill the air time. Most viewers were watching the Super Bowl pre-game buzz proceeding on. The public response was unexpected, and Puppy Bowl has become a successful franchise watched by more than 8.6 million individuals. Plus, the Puppy Bowl does more than boost ratings for Animal Planet. Awareness is increased of pet shelters and adopting pets through the show. There have been over 250 animals adopted since 2004. These are just the ones the Puppy Bowl caused to get adopted too.

Non-stop activity at the Puppy Bowl

In the Puppy Bowl, pups wrestle with each other in a stadium setting, complete with gridiron and grandstands. Touchdowns are made by the pups with a chew toy. A goal line is created to do this. The referee, a human named Andrew Schechter, is equipped with a pooper-scooper. It’s his job to call a clean game. This year there’s a new feature added to the "Puppy Bowl VII." The beagle's head may have a puppy cam on it to catch the activity close up. Hamsters could be in a blimp. This will provide overhead shots for the game. The chicks cheerleading on the sidelines are actually chickens, flapping and clucking for their team. The halftime show features kittens cavorting on the field in a disco atmosphere of lights and streamers. for adoptions

A total of 58 pups made the cut for “Puppy Bowl VII.”. Any animal shelters can participate. They have to send in pictures of the pups next to soda cans so actual size could be determined. They are all puppies. They have to be between seven and sixteen weeks old. By the time the "Puppy Bowl VII" airs, several of the puppies have already been adopted although the Puppy Bowl pups are up for ownership. There can be a few times when you can see the show on Animal Planet. It could be playing all during the Super Bowl. is where you are able to go to find more information on adopting pets.

Articles cited


ABC News


More cautious underwriting choices on auto loans

Car loan underwriters tend to be forgotten among the progenitors of the economic downturn, but careless decisions regarding subprime loans created a large amount of defaults. Lenders didn’t adequately weigh the chance of lending to consumers who had been hard-pressed to pay back, leading to excessive loan default. In accordance with Wards Auto, the sins of the past have forced the automotive business to take a closer look at auto loan standards.

Car loan underwriting depends upon all the facts

More attention is given to those applying for car loans with a terrible credit history. This is the only way to get approved for it. There are always possibilities to approve borrowers with a credit rating history with a few dings as long as significant dings are not in it. The Price Waterhouse and Cooper consumer Financial Group senior manager Douglas Ekizian explained this. Sometimes it seems clear the applicant has the ability to pay back the loan. In these cases, the underwriter makes a decision based on the consumer's history.

The more information, the better when it comes to making a car loan underwriting decision. Make sure the underwriter has your full income and employment data. Ekizian claims this so that analysts can do "more than a cursory review of credit-bureau forensic analytics.".

Auto lending is a gut call

The detail is really important to help a car loan underwriter to determine when and when the loan will not default. Alliance Acceptance CEO Ray Thousand explained this. Often, a default right after job loss is something overlooked. This is only the case as long as there are not any problems with a credit history. As the credit sector for auto loans has relaxed somewhat, sometimes borrowers with a bankruptcy are considered, said consumer risk finance manager Adem Yilmaz of Toyota Motors Financial Services.

"Determining willingness to pay back a loan is the gut call of the day. We're looking for evidence of ultimately trying to make good on the loan," said Thousand.

Auto loan defaults: Children of recession

A ton of car loan defaults occurred at the exact same time the U.S. economy did pretty badly. This was in 2008 and 2009. This dragged some of the country’s most respected car loan corporations into bankruptcy or in line for subprime bailout dollars. Mistakes of the past can hopefully be avoided by the auto lending market if careful underwriting choices are made.


Wards Auto

Understanding the role of loan underwriting

Courting website takes data from Facebook without asking

In 2003, then Harvard student Zuckerberg scraped the names and pictures of co-eds from university servers to be able to produce a "hot or not" website called FaceMash. Zuckerberg was slapped with charges of data theft tantamount to identity theft. That was 2003, however Wired reports that today, a couple of activists with a dating website want Zuckerberg to learn something about information security. The social experiment/dating site Cirio and Alessandro Ludovico call Lovely Faces scraped 250,000 Facebook profiles for real names, locations and head shots without Facebook’s permission, so a lawsuit might be waiting in the wings. Facebook currently makes so much money that they most likely will not need personel loans to take this company to court. Source for this article – Lovely Faces scraped from Facebook! without permission by MoneyBlogNewz.


Without obtaining consent, Lovely Faces grabbed Facebook user data and classified photos of male and female faces via a recognition algorithm into such categories as "easy going," "smug" or "sly." Lovely Faces also managed to grab the real names of Facebook users, however Cirio and Ludovico are not concerned about legality. Wired explains that they claim Lovely Faces isn't for business however for art challenging the idea of sharing online social press personal information.

"If we start to play with the concepts of identity theft and dating, we should be able to unveil how fragile a virtual identity given to a proprietary platform can be," write the Lovely Faces founders on Face to Facebook. "And (we’ll see) how fragile enormous capitalization based on exploiting social systems can be."

What Cirio and Ludovico aim to do to Facebook and any large-scale monetized online social network is shine a light on the cracks inherent in the system. In the early 2000s, many dot coms were falling because of the burst bubble with the over-hyped stock evaluations. The point is to make these networks crumble in the exact same way.

Facebook angry with Lovely Faces

There is a violation of Facebook's terms of service according to Barry Schnitt. He is the Director of Policy Communications at Facebook. is getting investigated by Facebook before legal action happens. Facebook has sued others before, such as the online protection research firm Skull Protection after it released 100 million Facebook user names and profile addresses. Another lawsuit might interest Zuckerberg. This is very possible.

Articles cited

Face to Facebook

New York Times


Dating on Facebook with Flyness: No illegal action required

Working moms have more overweight children, says study

Childhood weight problems has tripled over the last 30 years, claim several studies. According to a new research by an American University professor, a common theme among overweight children is working moms who are frequently away from home. As mothers’ job hours increased, the average body mass index (BMI) tended to by higher, according to the study. This is even without people taking out payday cash loans to buy their food.

The obesity link

The January/February issue of the Child Development journal published the youth weight problems research. There were 990 children from 10 cities in the U.S. in grades 3, 5, and 6 looked at. Prof. Taryn Morrissey from American University's Public Administration and Policy department was the founder of the study. It was discovered that a child's Body Mass Index was influenced in a small but cumulative amount by the number of years a working mother worked. Over time, higher BMI can increase the chances of being overweight.

The connection between employment of a mother and a children's BMI was not explained by the children's physical activity amounts or even Television time. The Body Mass Index level didn't correlate with the time of day a mother worked either. Several were left guessing at what was going on.

Not taking the time to cook

With working getting in the way, working parents can't shop and prepare food. That is most likely the cause. You will find more calories typically in pre-prepared foods and when eating out. That means that these children were getting more of these meals.

How to fix it

Behavior problems and weight problems related illnesses like high cholesterol, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, along with lesser life expectancy which the Children's Hospital in Boston concluded can be as much as five years, are all what youth weight problems can trigger which is why Prof. Morrissey thinks something needs to be done. It is important to make healthy, affordable food available. Society will become healthier this way.

"Community- and school-based programs offer promise for promoting healthy weight by providing information to children and their families about nutrition and exercise, as well as how to make quick, healthy meals," Morrissey said.


American University


USA Today

Mom, get your kids on the juice. Jack LaLanne would approve.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Does Obama really induce blackouts?

Record cool and harsh winter storms have prompted some TX towns to experiment with power-saving blackouts. Nevertheless, according to provocateur talk-show host Alex Jones on his site Infowars, this "climate apocalypse" comes straight from the top. President Obama allegedly triggers the blackouts of lights, the coal sector, the Internet (via a "kill switch") and the entire post-industrial United States.

Obama triggers blackouts: Caught on tape!

There is an "Obama triggers blackouts" freak out that is currently going around. Death + Taxes explained, though, that it is based off of a 12 second video clip. Info-wars present a clip of Barack Obama when he was nevertheless an Illinois senator. It was asked of Obama what he thinks about the cap and trade legislation on carbon emissions that has been proposed. The interviewer also asked about the producer of greenhouse gases, the coal industry, and how it would be affected. Then Senator Obama answers the question in what Jones calls the Obama administration's industrial warfare on the United States The full video can be viewed on YouTube as this is taken out of context in the short clip:

"So, if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can, but it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted."

In case you are to view the full interview, you will know what Sen. Obama's true intentions are. He didn't think that coal power should be lost by the U.S. Instead of just spewing carbon emissions to the sky, coal power providers might work harder to try and store and re-purpose carbon emissions which were the hypothetical terms he was speaking in. Motivating change is the purpose in it. It would not be about taking the sector away.

Other rumors that need fixing

The truth is that not only is there no cap and trade system, however President Obama’s administration doesn’t induce blackouts. Why does Jones think Obama has power since the administration has already been criticized for not being able to regulate all the energy companies?

The industrial carbon emissions are not even checked with there being no ecological legislation. There are several scientists upset about this due to the climate change brought on. This includes the giant Midwestern blizzard that just occurred. The Arctic is being warmed by all these gases. That means colder and snowier winters are to be anticipated for a while.


Death + Taxes


Environmental Leader


The out-of-context Obama proclamation that would trigger blackouts

The full Obama interview

Monday, February 7, 2011

Having to pay rent promptly is good for credit rating

If you are researching ways to improve your credit rating, add paying your rent on time to the checklist. Experian, one of the major credit bureaus in the United States, has begun to factor in timely rent payment information in credit files. Experian is the first credit bureau to use data about paying rent on time, rather than paying rent late, to affect credit ratings. It may just be worth obtaining a cash advance to make sure rent is paid if you are trying to fix your credit score. Source of article – Experian starts using rental payment data to figure credit scores by MoneyBlogNewz.

Experian utilizing rental data in a optimistic way

Good rental information started to be something utilized by Experian. Before this, negative rental information was the only thing credit reports showed. The only reason why negative information was reported was because landlords would sent renter's accounts to collection. This would make a bad mark on a credit score. Now Experian is tracing rental information through its RentBureau division. The specialty credit agency RentBureau gets a lot of rental payment information from landlords. Over 8 million households are included in this. Experian explained that there are millions who pay rent on time and don't get credit for it. About 96 million renters are doing this.

Good for renters and landlords

Most are anxious about the Experian news. It is really good. Getting sent to collections was the only way to get an unfavorable mark before while now, Experian criteria starting in 2012 may consist of getting behind also. But industry experts agree that adding rental payment data to credit reports is by and large an optimistic development for customers. Young individuals who don't have any charge cards, auto loans or mortgages might really appreciate this bit of help. Landlords will also appreciate it. RentBureau property owners will be able to see if applicants can be good renters by checking the database.

Same thing moving through credit bureaus

An emerging credit agency called VantageScore, which ranks customers on a scale from A to F, has been already utilizing rent payments in its credit rating model. All of this change from Experian might make lenders and underwriters want rental data. Credit ratings could possibly be changed this way. FICO has said that it will evaluate and compare Experian credit files that factor in rental payment information. If more people can qualify for credit that is well deserved, more will be getting homes meaning rental data in credit scores could help the mortgage lending industry.


Huffington Post

Baltimore Sun

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Stress reduction discovered to connection clowns to IVF victory in study

An Israeli investigation has found an interesting connection between clowns and In Vitro Fertilization victory, or pregnancy being achieved by implanting an embryo through In Vitro Fertilization. The investigation found that a visit by a "medical clown" increased chances of pregnancy in females who were recovering after an IVF implantation procedure, as clowns are known to reduce tension through the healing power of laughter. Many individuals have taken out such huge personal loans to go through IVF, they will probably be much happier to find out the process worked.

Clowns and IVF success link

In Israel, a research hospital discovered an interesting link. It was between IVF therapy victory and clowns. When women were being give in-vitro fertilization treatments, a "medical clown" visited them. Women who got the visit ended up with a much higher rate of victory with the procedure than the women who didn't. The idea came to Dr. Shevach Friedler. He read about how laugher can help relieve stress. To see if a reduced-stress environment after embryo implantation would increase the chances of successfully implanting an embryo, Dr. Friedler’s team at Harofeh Medical Center arranged for some patients to be frequented by a clown in the recovery room.

No joke

One great thing happened. The laugher was working. A greater percentage of women who received the “clown treatment” successfully became pregnant than those who went without a visit from a clown. The study was done using a total of 209 women which were undergoing in-vitro fertilization. Of those 209 women, the clown group had in-vitro fertilization success rates of 36 percent. Then there was the group that did not get the clown treatment. They had a victory rate of 20 percent. "Fertility and Sterility" is a reproduction science medical journal that can be publishing the study. In Israel, you are able to get a medical clown college degree at the University of Haifa. This is because patients become less stressed with clowns.

The additional cost of a clown

In-vitro fertilization is costly, somewhat dangerous and doesn’t always work. WebMD reports that only 25.6 percent of treatments end up with a live birth that happens. About 32 percent do end in pregnancy though. Success rates also vary by age group and wide range of factors. About $12,400 is paid for this therapy. Typically it’s the last thing that people do to get pregnant after all other options have been used.

Information from



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hospira has been rejected license to produce death penalty drugs

Sodium thiopental is an anesthetic drug that has one manufacturer, Hospira. Italy has rejected the application Hospira submitted to manufacture the narcotic. Germany has also disallowed export of the drug. Because of this denial of a permit to manufacture, several states are going through a shortage of the death penalty drug. Source for this article – No license to manufacture means death penalty drug shortage by

Germany and Italy deny Hospira a permit to produce

The only manufacturer of sodium thiopental is Hospira. It’s the only company allowed to do so. The business applied for a license to manufacture the drug in Italy. Unless Hospira could make sure the narcotic never got put in lethal injection cocktails, the Italian government said Hospira would never get a permit. All U.S. requests for the drug may be rejected due to a request from the German Medical Association. Since Hospira cannot get a license to manufacture the drug, the business may have to stop production entirely.

Running out of the narcotic used for the death penalty

Now that Hospira has been denied a permit to manufacture sodium thiopental, there is a death penalty substance shortage. The amount of sodium thiopental that states have is in limited supply. In fact, states do not have enough of it to execute all those on death row. The British government has also banned all exports of sodium thiopental, meaning that there is no legal source of the substance. The scarcity started to appear past year. A wholesaler in Britain sold it illegally to Arizona and California. The death penalty has been banned in all European Union nations since at least 2008.

Sodium thiopental replacement drug

A sodium thiopental replacement drug is something most states are looking into with the death penalty substance scarcity. The barbiturate narcotic Pentobarbital is being looked at. It’s manufactured within the U.S. and has the very same effects. Three executions in Ohio have had the substitute narcotic used already. Doctor-assisted suicide is what pentobarbital is used for in OR. State supreme courts have judged it as "humane" already.

Information from

The Guardian