Sunday, February 13, 2011

Giffords now talks as therapy has progressed

Reports are emerging the Congresswoman Giffords talks again. Giffords is capable of some simple talk, which is proof that the extreme physical rehabilitation she is going through is working. Giffords is recovering at an amazing pace, given the wounds she suffered.

Arizona Congresswoman getting far better in progress

Arizona Congresswoman Giffords was recently moved to a physical therapy facility in Houston, TX, from the hospital in Tuscan, Ariz., where she was recuperating from a traumatic brain injury. Giffords had been making incredible advances in recuperating from the wounds she suffered in the Tuscan shooting rampage allegedly carried out by Jared Lee Loughner. On January 8, she was rushed to a Tuscan hospital after being shot in the head, and almost a month later, she has started talking again, according to CBS. The TIRR Memorial Herman hospital is where she is doing physical rehabilitation. It has been intense for her. Since the hospital specializes in physical rehabilitation for brain and head trauma, Giffords was moved there.

Giffords has an appetite and can talk again

A spokesman explained the talk therapy that Giffords is going through it going well. Since Giffords had a breathing tube recently, it’s unknown how she is talking since either she would have to have a vent placed in the tube or it would have to be removed entirely. Her urge for food has also returned. This is a milestone. Mark Kelly, her husband, put on her Facebook page, “Gabby’s urge for food is back — even though it is hospital food.” Kelly will rejoin the crew of the Space Shuttle Endeavour for the swan song of that shuttle craft, possibly as soon as April.

Judge killed the name of a new courthouse

Congress recently passed a bill that would name a federal courthouse to honor one of the victims of the Tuscan shooting rampage that left six dead and 13 injured, according to Reuters. In Yuma, Arizona, a new courthouse will be built and titled after chief Judge John M. Roll who was killed. The building should open in 2013.

Articles cited

CBS News


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