Friday, February 11, 2011

Anti-aging benefits of DMAE cream not supported by science

DMAE cream is increasing in popularity as an anti-aging item. A segment of the popular "Dr. Oz" show contributed to the DMAE craze when it featured a doctor who is selling his own DMAE formula as an anti-aging cosmetic. Dermatologists and the FDA disregard anti-aging says about DMAE as pseudoscience; but evidence does exist that DMAE products offer certain aesthetic benefits. Prior to taking out a payday loan to buy this costly product, make certain you know the details.

Stopping face drop with DMAE cream

DMAE cream is being marketed as an expensive anti-aging product that reverses wrinkles and face sagging. Face lifts are popular due to face sagging that makes age clear. A face lift typically costs between $6,000 and $15,000 to do. This is what the Consumer Guide for Plastic Surgery explained. DMAE cream can cost $80 for less than two ounces. The marketing behind it’s what it depends on. Unlike drug businesses, cosmetics corporations are not required by the FDA to prove with scientific evidence that goods are safe and effective, but a 2005 Johnson & Johnson study found that DMAE product may have anti-inflammatory results that could tighten skin.

Returning youth with DMAE

The human brain naturally produces dimethylaminoethanol. This is what DMAE stands for. Natural DMAE resources consist of sardines, anchovies and salmon. DMAE has been researched far more as a potential drug than a topical agent. DMAE has been shown in studies to make cognition and memory linked to aging go down. DMAE products weren't the first source of the drug. DMAE was used to help mood, energy, sleep, memory and learning in anti-aging supplements. Research of DMAE creams has documented a measurable reduction in facial sagging, however the effects were perceived as more dramatic by the DMAE user, rather than the observer.

DMAE cream costs a lot

Several believe that DMAE products are a face lift in a bottle due to advertising and suggestions of scientific credibility. Dermatologists don't seem too impressed though. Since the 1990s, DMAE cream has been used. It has made a dent in income, but is not unsafe. A cheap moisturizer may work just also. Compounds for DMAE are not complicated. Also, it is fairly cheap. DMAE product ought to be less than $10 because of the economy and cost of production.

Information from

Smart Skin Care

Calorie Lab

Calgary Herald

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