Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Does Obama really induce blackouts?

Record cool and harsh winter storms have prompted some TX towns to experiment with power-saving blackouts. Nevertheless, according to provocateur talk-show host Alex Jones on his site Infowars, this "climate apocalypse" comes straight from the top. President Obama allegedly triggers the blackouts of lights, the coal sector, the Internet (via a "kill switch") and the entire post-industrial United States.

Obama triggers blackouts: Caught on tape!

There is an "Obama triggers blackouts" freak out that is currently going around. Death + Taxes explained, though, that it is based off of a 12 second video clip. Info-wars present a clip of Barack Obama when he was nevertheless an Illinois senator. It was asked of Obama what he thinks about the cap and trade legislation on carbon emissions that has been proposed. The interviewer also asked about the producer of greenhouse gases, the coal industry, and how it would be affected. Then Senator Obama answers the question in what Jones calls the Obama administration's industrial warfare on the United States The full video can be viewed on YouTube as this is taken out of context in the short clip:

"So, if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can, but it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted."

In case you are to view the full interview, you will know what Sen. Obama's true intentions are. He didn't think that coal power should be lost by the U.S. Instead of just spewing carbon emissions to the sky, coal power providers might work harder to try and store and re-purpose carbon emissions which were the hypothetical terms he was speaking in. Motivating change is the purpose in it. It would not be about taking the sector away.

Other rumors that need fixing

The truth is that not only is there no cap and trade system, however President Obama’s administration doesn’t induce blackouts. Why does Jones think Obama has power since the administration has already been criticized for not being able to regulate all the energy companies?

The industrial carbon emissions are not even checked with there being no ecological legislation. There are several scientists upset about this due to the climate change brought on. This includes the giant Midwestern blizzard that just occurred. The Arctic is being warmed by all these gases. That means colder and snowier winters are to be anticipated for a while.


Death + Taxes




Environmental Leader




The out-of-context Obama proclamation that would trigger blackouts


The full Obama interview


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