Monday, August 2, 2010

9/11 health care bill vote catapults Anthony Weiner over the edge

Anthony Weiner shocked Congress on July 29 when the Democratic congressman from New York blew his top in a speech within the chamber. When Republicans blocked passage of the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, he lost his cool. For 9/11 rescue workers and New Yorkers ill from toxic dust and debris at ground zero, the Democratic bill calls for billions of dollars in health care aid. Weiner, along with his Democratic cohorts, accused Republicans of cowardice, among other things. Republicans accused Democrats of more large government investing.

Information of the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act

A majority of lawmakers in the chamber supported the 9/11 health care bill. But the New York Times reports that the vote fell short of the two-thirds bulk needed, 255-159. To bring the measure to the floor, a special guideline required that a two-thirds majority was needed. The 9/11 health care bill would have provided $3.2 billion over the next eight years to observe and take care of injuries stemming from exposure to toxic dust and debris at ground zero. To compensate for job and economic losses, an additional $4.2 billion was set aside within the bill.

Democrats maneuver for two-thirds majority

Anthony Weiner vented his rage in a talk on the house floor after it became very clear that Republicans had enough votes to defeat the 9/11 health care bill. The New York Daily news called the two-thirds majority rule a Democratic scheme to speed up the vote. Looking ahead to the November elections, Democrats feared Republicans trying to humiliate Democrats would attach toxic changes in a simple majority vote. The two-thirds majority rule doesn’t allow fiddling with amendments.

Republicans say procedure gave them no choice but to vote “no”

Weiner erupted when he heard Republicans using the use of the two-thirds majority rule as an excuse to vote no on the 9/11 health care bill. CBS News reports that Peter King, Republican congressman from New York, called democrats afraid for not voting on their amendments, and said by holding the vote they were staging a charade. King’s comments led to Weiner’s 90-second fulmination. He hollered that Republicans were being cowardly by opposing the bill based on procedure:

“It’s Republicans wrapping their arms around Republicans instead of doing the right thing on behalf of the heroes,” Weiner yelled. “It is a shame. A shame! If you believe this can be a bad idea to provide health care – then vote no! But do not give me the cowardly view that ‘Oh if it was a different procedure’…”.

Further reading /

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