Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Good Inception reviews are not just a dream, they are reality

Reviews are beginning to pile up for the new Christopher Nolan film, Inception, which debuted Friday, July 16. The reviews are mostly good. In fairness, the Batman films Nolan directed were great. Also, Leonardo DiCaprio is a good actor, and that means some automatically good reviews will happen. Some critics gave the film some considerable stick. Perhaps it didn’t live up to their dreams of how good it could are.

Inception gets good reviews at its inception

Inception reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are overwhelmingly optimistic. It’s approval rating is already within the 80 range. Roger Ebert gave the film four stars, lavishing praise on the story, the visual design, the director and the cast. He said the film was “wholly original, cut from new cloth” as even he acknowledges that as a rarity. If it is really that good, quick money loans should pour into box offices worldwide.

Not for every person though

Nothing really pleases everyone. Some reviews are fairly harsh. Kurt Loder of MTV asked “are they handing out joints at the box office for ‘Inception’? That would make the movie considerably more fun.” Most critical reviews cite the film having good acting and effects, but being confusing.

Consensus is

The Inception reviews are mostly good. There also appears to be some speculation concerning the Inception ending, and there won’t be a spoiler here. If you really, really, need Tom Cruise to defeat the forces of evil each and every time and get the girl so you don’t have to actually think about the movie, this is not a film for you.

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