Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Obama Deception - Follow the money -- both ways

A 2009 film by talk-show host and director Alex Jones, “The Obama Deception,” is a two-hour DVD that has most recently been re-released on YouTube. ”The Obama Deception” is a movie that claims to follow the tracks of the “New World Order.” Some have called “The Obama Deception” a movie of ultimate truth, and others call it nothing but an invalid conspiracy theory.

The basic argument of ‘The Obama Deception’

You will find hundreds of individual arguments laid out in “The Obama Deception”. The overarching point of the movie is that Obama is “a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of The New World Order… the international banks plan to loot the individuals of the United States and turn them into slaves.”

The way ‘The Obama Deception’ makes financial arguments

The movie claims that various plots and plans are being carried out by international banks. Because the near-failure of the banking system and global recession are huge within the minds of most Americans, this is an easy villain to pick. Other Alex Jones films, though, have claimed that this organization — referred to as the “New World Order” — is set up by the Masonic brotherhood, by China and Gorbechev, by FEMA, by the United Nations, even by “America and England.” In short, Jones has changed who he believes is heading up the New World Order multiple times.

Tracing the trail of money

”The Obama Deception” asks you, as the viewer, to “follow the money.” Applying this argument to both sides of the debate is essential, though. There are multiple TV series, talk shows, movies, and books created by media mogul Alex Jones. One time every year for the last couple of years, Jones has held a “money bomb” fundraiser. The goal for all of these “money bomb” events are listed as the very same things, but Jones never seems to reach the goal, even with $ 250,000 raised each year:

“Alex will use this money to build a studio, a sound stage, purchase cameras and equipment, computers, expand office space and hire additional staff. Alex hopes to launch a new television show on the Dish Network, thus reaching thousands, possibly millions of additional people…”

Is ‘The Obama Deception’ right?

”The Obama Deception” claims hundreds of different arguments. Deciding any argument is best done by researching both sides on your own. When researching, you should take each and every argument in a social, financial, and political context. Many of the quotes and statistics quoted within the movie are of questionable quality. It is best to take “The Obama Deception,” along with all of other conspiracy theory or “questionable truth” theories, with a big grain of salt.

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