Friday, July 23, 2010

Unemployment benefits possibly extended by Carte Goodwin in the Senate

Joe Manchin, West Virginia governor, appointed Carte Goodwin to replace Democratic Robert Byrd, who died June 28, in the Senate. Unemployed Americans are waiting patiently for Goodwin to take the seat and change their lives. Every person expects that Goodwin will give the final vote to pass the jobs bill making unemployment benefits go longer.

Old exchanged by young Carte Goodwin

At 92, Byrd died as the oldest senator ever to be in office and is now exchanged by Carte Goodwin, who is the youngest senator at age 36. CBS News reports that His vote will prove critical in the first hour of his service within the Senate. A proposal that has yet to go through that could be extending unemployment benefits, could be voted on minutes after Goodwin is sworn into office on Tuesday morning.

Unemployed extension against Republican wishes

The seat left vacant by Byrd has left Senate democrats without the 60 votes they need for the unemployment extension. Unemployed workers would get 73 more weeks of unemployment if it passes. Republicans have argued that the unemployment extension just adds to the national deficit. The other side argues that the economy would get better when all that money is quickly put back into the economy and is spent. 70 percent of adults aren’t that concerned about the deficit considering they are worried about their own employment, as outlined by a Bloomberg poll shown on

Carte Goodwin against Joe Manchin for senator?

Carte Goodwin no gets to be in senate until the November general election comes along. Goodwin was already going for West Virginia’s Senate delegation according to the Huffington Post. His wife, Rochelle, is state director for Senator Jay Rockefeller, Goodwin’s new Democratic colleague. Rockefeller said that Goodwin was “unquestionably among West Virginia’s best and brightest” in a statement made on Friday. In November, nobody plans to see Goodwin’s name on the ballet. Joe Manchin already plans on taking the seat in Senate.

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CBS News
Huffington Post

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