Saturday, July 3, 2010

Knowing when to switch out your car battery

There is a sound that each driver dreads – the lack of sound when you try to start your car. To hear just a click-click-click when you turn the ignition is very frustrating. It could mean that you just left the lights on overnight, or it could mean that your battery is dying. Knowing when to replace your car battery can help cut down on these unfortunately surprising moments of being stranded.

Post resource: When to swap out your car battery by Car Deal Expert

The workings of a battery

The essential essence of a car battery is the same. Chemical energy is created when diluted sulfuric acid runs across and around lead plates. Call on the battery for power, and it puts out electrical energy by running the acid over the lead. Eventually, the lead plates run out of charge, and they must be recharged before they can be used again. Eventually, the parts of the battery wear out.

Replacing the battery on time

Depending on the kind of conditions you use your car battery under, you could need to replace it as often as every two years. Most batteries, under average driving load, will last up to six years. Very rough driving could contain


  • Living in an areas with a very cold average temperature
  • Not checking or refilling the battery water
  • Using add-on systems that take many power
  • Regularly jump-starting others

Any maintenance shop should be able to test the battery for you. Have a look at the alternator if your battery tests low – just to make certain that isn't a mechanical problem.

Keeping your car battery?

An old, used-up car battery can nevertheless be useful. A car battery can be environmentally damaging if you just throw it away. Instead, a local recycling center will most likely be very happy to take the battery. Usually, a dead car battery will net you between $ 3 and $ 5 dollars – not a huge amount of money, but enough to treat yourself to a latte for changing the battery as part of your car.

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