Attention is often all some people want. Many individuals choose to get this with harmless actions. Shaving your head would be an example of this. Other individuals are just sad in what they do. For example, one going on a reality Television show on MTV would do this. Some people need attention so bad that they are willing to harmed themselves and others. Storro hurt people with her attention getting. She permanently disfigured her entire body because of the hoax she did with the acid face attack tale.
Bethany Storro attacked
The news spread like wildfire when the story of Bethany Storro in Vancouver, Washington, came out about how she was disfigured by an attack. The story was that somebody had thrown a container of acid on her face. Nobody thought this was a hoax. It was a young woman who was now disfigured as a result of acid. Bethany Storro, according to CNN was admitted to the hospital on Aug. 30, and released Sept. 5. A young African-American woman asked her if she wanted a drink. Right after that, the woman threw acid in her face, supposedly.
Acid attack hoax admitted
It was the perfect story. It also was a cliché being used. The story was a lie. It was false. Time reports that police started investigating things as she was getting close to being released. They decided things weren’t adding up. Bethany Storro’s acid burns were suspicious. They looked like they had been applied carefully rather than just thrown in her face. According to Sky News, the acid used was of similar corrosive quality to sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. Confronted with the inconsistencies in her acid attack story, she admitted to the acid attack hoax. The meat dress and balloon boy compare to this. They were all just stunts happening.
Paying for it
Bethany Storro could have to live with scars for a long time. She can have it the rest of her life. However, she also is going to have to live with the legal consequences of a likely conviction of filing a false police report. She got lots of donations to pay for the hospital bills. She is going to have to pay those back as well as paying all the bills by her.
Sky News
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