Monday, October 4, 2010

White House may be sans Emanuel shortly

Over the last few weeks, there has been a lot of buzz concerning a member of the White House team. Specifically, it has been about Rahm Emanuel. A new Chief of Staff could be needed, as Rahm is leaving his post. Rahm wants a position involving real power, and is running for Mayor of Chicago. Present Mayor Daley is retiring at the conclusion of this term. The possibility was brought up the second Daley announced it, as Rahm is recognized to want the spot.

Rahm picked up and vanished

Speculation of Rahm Emanuel leaving his post for the upcoming Chicago mayor election has been rampant for weeks. It isn’t official that he is running yet. There were reports from D.C. saying otherwise. This would indicate he is running officially. The Washington Post has given its opinion on things. It expects the White House will announce what is going on fairly soon. The issue is something Obama is going to have to discuss. He can be doing a later press conference for this reason. There has been an announcement that there will be a press conference at the White House in the near future as a result of personnel changes, and this originated from White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

Just like Daley

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley decided earlier this year not to seek reelection next year. After his current term expires, he will retire. According to the NY Times, Daley decided the time was right to get out of it all behind. The Chicago dynasty will be ending with his retirement. Chicago had his father, named Daley also, as a mayor for a while. He was mayor for longer than most. The elder Daley served in the post from 1955 to 1976, and died while in office. Daley himself has been the mayor since 1989 when he was elected in. For the last 55 years, a Daley has been at the helm of Chicago for all however 11 of them.

Rahm wants to be mayor

Rahm Emanuel has wanted the placement for a while, and has made it clear. Chicago is a Democrat stronghold, and for the firebrand Emanuel, it may be a good fit.


Washington Post

NY Times

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